As part of the innovative project “Supporting the transplant system.”“, financed by the European Union and implemented by Agriconsulting Europe SA (Italy) and PLANET SA (Greece) and the main beneficiary is the Ministry of Health of the Republic of North Macedonia, we refer A call to professional designers to create a package for innovative visual solutions (branding package – logo, poster, slogan), with the aim of: influencing awareness of the importance of organ donation and transplantation.
Purpose of the call
To get creative solutions on the topic that will inform, educate and raise awareness about the importance of organ donation and transplantation.
What we expect from your branding solution:
- Innovative creative designs that send a powerful message on the topic of organ donation and transplantation in a poster format or other visual concept format that would later be suitable for exhibiting in a joint exhibition of selected works
- An attractive logo that symbolizes the meaning of organ donation, embodying hope, life and unity and that will serve as a visual identity for the initiative.
- Suggested color palette that emotionally brands the theme towards empathy and positive feelings.
- Legible typography that conveys warmth and inclusiveness.
- A slogan that captures the essence of your message for a visual solution
- A short narrative explaining the idea behind the designs
Application rules:
- One designer – one application
- Logo in vector format (AI, EPS, SVG).
- Visual solutions in a format suitable for printing (PSD, JPEG, PNG, PDF) with high resolution (>300dpi).
- Submit your work under a pseudonym following the instructions published on
This call for visual solutions is open to professional designers who can demonstrate a portfolio of design work, regardless of formal academic design education.
How to apply:
Испратете ги вашите дизајнерски идеи на следниов линк.
Make sure your app elements are in the proper format and resolution.
Application deadline:
Applications are open until March 1 at midnight.
By participating in the call, you consent to your work and the name under which it is signed on social media and other media platforms for the purposes of the awareness campaign. The copyright for the submitted works is retained by the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of North Macedonia, although the authors retain the right to exhibit their work at exhibitions and attach it as part of their portfolio.
Conflict of interest:
To ensure fairness and impartiality, persons directly related to the project, including project team members, consultants and the DEU team, are not eligible to participate in this call.
За доставените решенија одлучува петчлено жири. Најдобрите 10 до 15 избрани решенија ќе бидат дел од изложба организирана на јавен простор.
Комисијата го задржува правото да не избере ниту едно решение од поднесените пријави.
The structure of the award:
- Best Logo Design: €400 prize for the most innovative and influential logo design. This recognizes the designer who best captures the essence of the organ donation and transplant campaign in a logo.
- Best Slogan: €300 prize for the catchiest and most memorable slogan. This category emphasizes the narrative aspect of campaign storytelling.
- Best visual solution for a poster : A prize of 300 euros prize for the designer who will provide the most creative and visually appealing poster design. This category emphasizes the visual storytelling aspect of the campaign.
- The solution should be the candidate’s original work. The same should be made specifically for the project and not used for any other purpose. Along with the solution(s), the candidate should submit references to their design works (portfolio, links, etc.).
- The organizer of the Call has the right to exhibit at public events the creative solutions submitted by all candidates, as well as to use them for promotional purposes, in order to raise awareness of the topic.
- During the presentation, the organizer undertakes to indicate the name of the candidate who made the solution.
- The candidate retains the moral copyright on the conceptual solution.
- All copyrights are assigned to the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of North Macedonia.
- Each candidate guarantees the originality of the idea/graphic solution and assumes full material and non-material responsibility for the same.
Important note:
Each participant’s solutions are eligible for multiple awards in different categories. If a designer’s submissions are judged best in more than one category, they will be appropriately recognized and awarded for each category in which they excel.
Dear Designers,
Your contributions will be a significant step forward in the world of transplantation, especially in raising awareness of this issue. We encourage you to think outside the box. Create a solution that leaves a lasting impression and inspires action to support organ donation and transplant awareness.
We look forward to your solutions!
Ако имате какви било прашања, слободно контактирајте нѐ на [email protected].
The views expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the “AESA – PLANET SA” consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
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